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Testseek / Google Co-op

Google Co-op

On October 24 2006, Google launched . This tool is for webmasters who wants to create a more specific search engine. When you create a Google Co-op search engine, you basically choose a number of sites from which the search results will be generated. This enables webmasters to filter out all the unwanted "noise" that the normal Google search will show.

Testseek.co.uk / Google Co-op search engine for expert reviews

By including more than a thousand high quality web sites, we have created a unique expert review search engine based on Google’s prooven technology. We hope that our users will find it to be a good complement to our own search function. We have only included unbiased, high quality sources. We have excluded all those useless "fake-sites" simply constructed to drive traffic for Google Adsense.

Why a Google Co-op at testseek.co.uk?

There are mainly two reasons why we a couple of years back, started TestSeek.co.uk (originally FindProductReview.com):
  • First, we found it too hard to find quality expert reviews by using regular search engines like Yahoo or Google. The "noise" took too much place in the search results. We often ended up on web pages, simply constructed to rank high on search engines. They had no real content it was all fake, very frustrating. But there were also many other irrelevant hits; webshops wanting to sell us the product, pointless user comments, price comparison sites, manufacturer press releases and product news and so on...
  • Second, it took too much time to go to and browse all our favourite gadget or hardware sites, in hope of finding a good expert review of a certain product. In most cases it was a lost cause.

So we came up with the ultimate solution to these problems; to collect links to all those expert reviews and organize and present all this information in one place. And a new form of shopping comparison site was borned, a shopping comparison site more focused on the product quality than the price.

We work hard to update TestSeek as often as possible (once a day). Even so, sometimes Google is faster than us. Therefore, we think that our version of Google Co-op will be very popular with our visitors. Try it out right away:

Thanks for your time and happy searching!